Wednesday, August 1, 2012

TRAVEL: Eastern Sierras, Gull Lake

Wednesday, August 1, 2012  
Fishing Gull Lake
Out until 7:45pm this evening watching the dark descend into the bottle-green waters of Gull.  The fish were sporadic, but John caught the largest rainbow we’ve ever bagged in the Sierras - perhaps 2 ½ lbs.  More large fish here than anywhere else, yet, I think.  Picnic in the park on cold grilled chicken sandwiches, chatting companionably.  

The weather is so lovely-hot, then warm, breezy, with cool wafts occasionally , balmy, aligned with my skin temperature so I feel at one with the air, the breeze, the wind, the world, luxury and well-being wrapping me and opening me to mountains, sky, air, darkness, moonlight, lake wavelets and wind kisses on the glassy surface of mountain lakes green, blue, black, brown, turquoise.

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