Saturday, October 26, 2013

TRAVEL: Raja Ampat, Coral and Orchids (Day 4 10-26)


The weather continued cloudy, with a morning rainshower. The morning bird boat found us orchids, and a pristine beach, with a willie wagtail sighting. I missed the morning snorkel, struggling with fatigue, but the afternoon was fresh for me. Lots of current to swim through.

wasps very different looking, larger

another scorpion fish, I think, amazed at the opalescent effect the little Olympus captured here

Chinese dragon - a worm which Dalton, the Indonesian dive master, found for me

 Regal angelfish - I am thrilled to have made this photo of it - they swim somewhat deep and are very skittish - they can be quite large, like a dinner plate

Nudibranchs are my new favorite critters - they are quite appealing and come in fabulous colors.  So glad John and Jo brought my attention to them so I could learn about them.  This picture is a bit blurry  but the colors are true.

RL* trumpetfish


This velvety coral glowed with light green irradiation around its edges

Astonished at the forms of the corals - surely Peter Voulkos, would have loved these.




RL* - some kind of grouper

RL* - grouper?

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